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voice typing online , speech to text converter , voice notes , speak to write , Convert Speech to Text online


Make Notes using your Voice!

Want to be independent and all by yourself? Try taking notes of everything that needs to be done! It is not too dumb to accept that we all need help. Technology has done an amazing job in adding ease to our lifestyles. And one of the best way, to witness that ease is, in the form of a voice notepad!

Here is how speech to text notes work!
1. Tap the app and then on the plus sign to add a new note.
2. Create a title either by using the voice function or by using the keyboard.
3. Cancel the note creation process anytime by clicking on cancel.
4. To delete a note, tap on the downwards arrow on the pre-saved note. Click on the Delete option then.
5. To add details in the created note, click on anyone as per desire. Use the voice button to add more details to this voice notepad. To save it all, click on the floppy like button.
